Saturday, April 7, 2012

Video Games

Since I don't play enough video games I guess I dream them up. Most interesting is that I don't play (or care to play) the ones I dream of, but I really believe that they would make good games! The first game was a one dream thing, the second game is from the last few nights of me dreaming a dream that keeps picking up where the other left off at! As said earlier I don't tend to play these types of games or care to but I think I would start after all these dreams!

So, game concept one!
It would be a first-person shooter with aliens(so original).  But listen, this game would be a little like "Fable" every choice would effect the game in how you win! And if you want an easy game play the choices would tend to be different then what most 1st person gamers would normally do! Were as others would make it harder, example; you are given a choice to kill 2 aliens (after you unknowingly insulted them) or let them be. Killing them would leave the game on a medium level and a place to stay for like 2 minuets before something else would pop up, where as letting them live would leave you with extra hard like the mother ship of 100 fleets come and try to kill you type of hard....those are just an example not saying that it would be in the game.

So the story would be along the lines of you are on your way to some place (not sure where) and you run into a group of poor present-like people who are travailing some were for a better life or there lives (lots of info, right?) So all of you are stuck on a mountain do to a winter snow storm coming and no one can chance leaving before it hits and before it gets to bad you have to go out into the woods and find a missing person with the group of people before the cold and snow of the mountain kills them.

Looking for this person (at this point) is mandatory! So you all split up and go looking for this person when you come across another person who needs help! If you deiced to help them you have to find a way to make something with what you have to same them you risk getting sick trying to save them. Saving them would be timed and saving yourself as well! Also if you save this person you  might risk saving the one you went out to save. So moving on, you find a hotel with bums in it...and aliens! And that is were the aliens would came in and the game play could get VERY hard!

Game two!
This game would be a choice between 1st or 3rd person much like the one before (I don't play 1st/3rd person very much so why I dream in them? No clue!) and have zombie-like creatures in it much like the 'White Walkers' in "Game of Thrones". Were as cold is to kill the zombie gene the cold makes them come alive!

Story (thus far from memory), you are part of a secret organization that is looking for things unexplained (I honestly don't remember) but you are on you way to the cold north to find something that is heading or is starting in the cold north...(I guess I like snow in my dreams or I have lived in it to LONG!) This thing you are looking for takes you across the world to find what it is and how it starts! One by one you watch your group exposed to it and take some of them, some really close. 

This may seem short and quick compared to the other but when typing it out I see it as a zombie romance and a good game!

So now with two game in my memories, I need to one, find some game-designers friends to help make them after flushing it out more! Secondly I think these would be unique book! Hey, "Halo" has book and so does "Resident Evil" why can't I do one or two?