Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New year, New Resultions

So, as I seem to do every year is post something to bring in the new year with something, anything that comes to mind with something to make life more bearable or more interesting depending on how you look at it or what is going on my world.

Yes, January is almost over but that will not stop this post!

Last year I wanted to read 40 books (not counting Manga/comics) Did not quite make it half way unless I count manga then I passed it all. :(

When reading books from a reading challenge it is hard to stay on track when people from all corners lend you books. I found that when people hear you are doing a reading challenge they end up telling you, 'that you must read this book!' Some people didn't know and handed me books anyways but we where talking about books since I had books on the brain.

Last year was the year of reading but not all the books on my challenge but since I was tying to leave an easy life I didn't fret. This year, I am going to change it up! I am going to read book as they come, lent or found and work on weeding through the books and get rid of those I will not reread nor recommend to other keeping only my favorites or those I would like to read a clip from and record it for auditions. With the new reading challenge in mind as what to read first, setting those as a priority!

Not only will the challenge help keep me on track but it will help clean out the bookcases so the next I move -which my be sooner then I had planned, depending how things go- my life will be so much easer when moving these wonderful yet heave addition I have with less of them to pack.

As for the Easy Living, yes it was great to just relax without caring to much on things but I found that there where something's that I did very much care on and have realized what things in my life are worth more and ways to keep that stress down since now I know it is something that I do care on.

Did I get each room clean with this easy way of life? Not so much but I did take my time and learn to say good bye to things that once had a purpose and meaning to me that now do not and just take up space, space I do not have for them so I would try to find them a lovely home. In the end We have to remember that things are just that and the memory does not lie with them but within, and one can always take a photo and scrap book it.

And during my 30th year on this earth I will work on getting studio equipment to record videos and audio tapes to get those sent out by the end of my 30th year and wait for the replay (if any) the year after.

Summery, read books to clean off self (reading challenge from Popsuger as primary books) and To get Studio equipment for recording both audio and Video.

Good luck on your journey through your New year!