Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sailor Moon, Moon Crystal Review! ^_^v

Hello Again! For all those Sailor Moon fans you know these 2 logos, and like myself have been waiting for the long awaited reboot to Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon Crystals) has stared! Has a Sailor Moon fan girl, I for one was not sure how I would feel about this remake. But hey Full Metal Alchemist did that with Brotherhood and people LOVED it! So I have hope!

So let me start with tell you all how I became a fan of Sailor Moon. I first received a gift with the head of Sailor Moon on it wishing I could see the show that this came off of the when I was around 11/12 we got Dish and I saw for the first time the US version of Sailor Moon! I have never been the same again!!! ^_^ Some my say this was the down fall for my love of anime some may not call it such but was the gate way to a new world!

Now as any fan now knows is that the names were changed and that there were MANY episodes that never made the cross over. The names we had were Serena Tsukino (Usagi Tsukino) Amy Mizuno (Ami Mizuno), Raye Hino (Rei Hino), Lita Kino (Makoto Kino), Mina Aino (Minako Aino) and Darien Shields (Mamoru Chiba), Trista Meioh (Setsuna Meioh), Amara Tenoh (Haruka Tenoh), Michelle Kaioh (Michiru Kaioh), Hotaru Tomoe! From here you can tell that Darien/Mamiru had the BIGEST change then Lita/Makoto, Trisa/Setsuna, Amara/Haruka, and Serena/Usagi. The rest staid pritty close to spelling and/or pronounced. The ONLY one who got to keep her name UNCHANGED was Hotaru (Sailor Satern). And that was only because the it was dubbed later and by then the names weren't changing to some weird American one. lol

We lost many episodes for the US was not ready to show some things and thought they should be masked over and or not even shown. In the first season ALONE we lost 5 and then the last 2 in the org. Japanese were cut/pasted to make it ONE last one for the US! And NEVER showed the Sailor Moon Stars season... there was no way around that one to change it for "family viewing." You fans know what I mean.
Since my mother HATED anime/manga I did not get a chance to read them and at the time looking for the online to read would only get me yelled at since it would tie up the phone line and it was in the main room were everyone was always at. So I would look for things like what Wiki is now!

Since I was/am a huge fan, I decided to watch the first episode to see what I think and how much is it like the old version. And to my surprise, I remembered it all and heard the American names and not the Japanese ones. And then decided I wanted t do something that would be fun since it has been so long since I have seen Sailor Moon. I will watch the new one then watch the old ones and read the manga to compare them!

So far I REALLY HATE the new transformation (and so do a lot/most of the other fans I have seen online) for adding a random cell shading 3D is one of the dumbest looking things I have seen! I am not a HUGE fan of the new animation if you look at one photo online look at Sailor Moon, she has her leg bent is such an UNREAL way it creeps me out and in her transformation her wrist bends weird too! She is also pandering to the "stick" crowds, I loved the old animation for she looks more real with more meat on her bones. But love that they kept the org names and REALLY missed the old US names.

So far I can tell you, that the old one was closer to animation style but the new one is closer to the costumes they had and that it is also closer to the story line in the manga. Were as episode 2 in Crystal and act 2/chapter 2 in the manga are the same were has episode 2(JP)/2(US) are not it is not until episode 8(JP)/5(US) for when they get to see Ami/Amy.

If you want to do the same thing Hulu has the Japanese version out there for free and if you look hard enough you can find the old English one out there on Youtube!

Til next time!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Movie Review - Prisoners

Over All Rating: 4.5/5
Make-up: 5/5 (This is of note to me!)

So the other night I went to go see this movie, let me just note that I HAD NO CLUE  that this movie was even made till a friend said, "we are going to see Prisoners!"

And I am a person who says, "okay" a ask very little about it. All I knew was that it was about kids who get kidnapped.... So imagine my surprise when I saw one of my favorite actors, Hugh Jackman. And I remembered why I do not ask much about movies and take what people give me, I LOVE to find people I have seen in other films!

The other person that hit was Alex Jones played by Paul Dano. I know he is not well known but he has a face that one can NOT forget! He was Ford's son in Cowboys and Aliens and was the brainy-ac kid in Knight & Day. For being B type actor he does a REALY good job in his roles. Now, I was surprised of how good his make-up was when he was being beaten, the face swelling and bruises where amazing!

Another person that caught my memory was Jake Gyllenhaal, Detective Loki. Now, sadly, I didn't pick him up as fast as the other two, but I will blame it on that he is beautiful and in this movie his eyes would twitch! I was tying to think of another movie where the hero's eyes would twitch not so much were he was from, but when I sat down to find out who he is I saw he was in Prince of Persia and I knew who he was in it and felt like a blond for not noticing that sooner! I felt the same for Terrence Howard, aka Iron Man/Red Tails. The only thing I could think of was planes when I saw him, it buged me that I could not think of the movie he was in.

Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) did a great job on acting like a cop. (I think) His hair was cut in a way that would be approved to be warn, nothing around the ears. Nothing bugs me more then seeing a shaggy haired cop in a modern movie! That was a huge plus to the make-up/costume crew

What surprised me was that the two wives didn't ring any bells till I looked up the movie, Viola Davis (also from Knight & Day who I knew Dano from) and the other wife, Maria Bello. When I saw she was Evelyn in the 3rd Mummy movie I knew why I forget her. I did not like her has Evelyn and really wanted the real Evelyn to come back, as many Mummy fans did.

Side people that caught my attention was the son, Dylan Minnette (seen in Awaken TV series) and Bob Taylor played by David Dastmalchian (Batman: Dark Knight). Why do they have a face I can't forget that makes me try to think where have I seen them? I don't know.

So far this is all one BIG rant on people I enjoyed seeing in here and some I should of known and very little of the movie! So as for the movie, GREAT! They did real well in getting the little things right on and how people react to something to devastating as having your kids taken from you! 

Jewelry Boxes

Okay, so either I have this compelling need to post and will post about anything or I like to post about no nonsense things like beds and boxes. X_x

So here it is, when I was out on vacation this past week, I went into a shop and saw a jewelry boxed that I fell in love with and would of taken home if not for the fact that it was cheaply made and would brake easy. Not that I am rough with things, I am just a klutz! But I liked it and might of taken it any who if the lining was in the right color... ie like the broken one at the shop.

I am a person that will shop for YEARS to find the right thing to belong in my collection, ie beds, boxes, shoes... I think one of the few things I will look and grab are plants, books and Asian art. So now that I found the "right box," I took a good long look at the box and it looked easy to make! So I started a quest to look up how to make a box like this one and try to make it only to find what I liked about it was that it was shaped like 2 books laying down covered in a cheap tin to look like a box made from India.

So now that I know what I like about it I thought why not make one that has all of the elements I like in a box to mix with the shape of the box?

Out of the two here that looks like a stack of books I feel, "Less is More" when it comes to these boxes. I like the idea of a mirror in the lid and I like the opening of the book for a cove that is in the bigger one but I think the spine might be easier. But neither one has the try that expands out of the try.

Then there was a wall mounted one that has almost made me get the cheep little box and go for this one! I still really like it and might end up one day getting it but to me this belongs in the bath room and I do not had the wall space in my current location for it and not sure if or when I will.

So now I know what I am looking for I thought I could make one very close to the idea of the box I fell in love with. But instead of using a tin to cover I would shape it like 2 books!
  • So to make this box I deduced that if I made 2 boxes, about the size I would like then make 4 trays about the1/4th the size and about as half as deep as the main box. 
  • Then either get a thick cardboard (or a thin thing of wood) and make the sectional to go across the front half to use as a base for the trays and glue/nail them in.
  • In this box there are 2 small pieces that stick up for a ring/bracelet holder can be made and put a notch in the middle and get a dowel-rod cut to length of box and put 2 small nails in the ends to fit in the small cuts in the 2 small walls. (No joke, that is what they did!)
  • Now for the lining I would either just line the bottom and the dividers or cut a bit into the wood to line it there and make the wood look like it is the trim or just polish the whole thing if it all the same wood!
  • For the lid I would either put in a mirror to fill it or I would put the lining in it (maybe a small mirror) and put in a pocket on the bottom half and small hooks in the top to hang jewelry with it. 
  • Then to attached the 2 trays I would use a thin metal (like the one they used) attach from the middle of the top tray to the end of the bottom tray and the middle of the bottom try to the divider lining up the other side to do the same all with small nails and to the same to the other tray

Now these last two are more of what I wish I could do if I was good at making things and had the space/time. I really fell in love with the Tardis for in this picture there are nothing but nerd jewelry in it! Rebel Alliance charms, Thor's Hammers charms, Batman earnings and so forth! (And in truth I could possibly make the Tardis like I would make the box above! Maybe that will be a post to come! ~_^) All and all I love the owl with the books it seem either very Potter-ish or very booky to me, it is for pure decor.

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