Saturday, August 19, 2017

PopSugar 2017 Reading challange

Okay, so here is the list I have decide on so far, now the idea here was to pick one for each number (for the ambushes reader I can be) also I believe this is the way Popsugar intended it to be but for me and my easy living motto I am trying this year I also wanted to make sure that they crossed over to other areas incase don't get to all 40. Also encase any who reads this would like to join me I will have a list of books to help with ideas.

Besides the "one for each" doubles as cross overs I also tried picking from my TBR list and books that I already owned, since I do not own all there will be a few I will go out to look to barrow or buy or rent (for the audio ones). Starting for the ones I have had on my list the longest (The first ones I listed on Goodreads in the day not the ones that have collected dust) and such. So by doing this all the books listed cross over to the category of  "been on my list to long", there might be one or 2 that are not as long but still to long for me.

I did go ahead and list other areas that each book could be listed under and making those one I will read before others with less areas. So that I would know the other areas that each book could be listed under I went a head and put the number of each area to scroll and see.

So here it is my Reading list for 2017!
1. A book recommended by a librarian (I am using my friend who is a Librarian on Goodreads like me - and if you want a recommendation from a goodreads Librarian -Night Curicus, Cinder, Gargoyle, Shanghai Girls, Five People You Meet in Heaven, Howl's Moving Castle, Across the Nightingale Floor, As you Wish, Let's Face It... my list goes on but I am sure this is enough)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith 

2. A book that's been on your TBR list for way too long
The Immortal Realm (Faerie Path, #4) by Allan Jones (11/17/32)

3. A book of letters
Dangerous Liaisons by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (3/26)

4. An audiobook
TBA  - so many to chose from! and some of the ones on this list are in audio so I already have this covered. 
**Updated, Naughty Neighbor by Janet Evanovich**

5. A book by a person of color
A Deeper Love Inside: The Porsche Santiaga Story by Sister Solja (5/15/27/31/32/23/29)

6. A book with one of the four seasons in the title
Autumn Bridge (Samurai #2) by Matsuika (6/26/5/14/32/31/33/7/14)

7. A book that is a story within a story
Princess Bride by William Goldman (7/32/33/40/29)

8. A book with multiple authors
No Rest for the Dead by Various (8/9)

9. An espionage thriller
Riptide (FBI Thriller #5) by Coulter

10. A book with a cat on the cover
Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams (10/27)
** Updated, changed the book to Queen of Song and Souls (Tairen Soul, #4) by CL Wilson**

11. A book by an author who uses a pseudonym
Child of Darkness (Lightworld/Darkworld, #2) by Jennifer Armintrout (11/17/32)

12. A bestseller from a genre you don't normally read
Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull (12/15/20/23/8/30)

13. A book by or about a person who has a disability
Deep Secret (Magids #1) by Diana Wynne Jones (13/17/21/26/36)

14. A book involving travel
Neverwhere (London Below, The World of Neverwhere) by Neil Gaiman (14/26)
**Updated, changed book to Lady of Light and Shadows (Tairen Soul, #2) by CL Wilson**

15. A book with a subtitle
Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure upon the High Seas (Piratica, #1) by Tanith Lee (15/26/27/32)

16. A book that's published in 2017
If You Give a Man a Cookie by

17. A book involving a mythical creature
Dragonsbane (Winterlands #1) by Barbara Hambly (17/39/11)

18. A book you've read before that never fails to make you smile
The Little Mermaid by Deborah Hautzig (27/25/18)

19. A book about food
On What Grounds (Coffeehouse Mystery, #1) by Cleo Coyle (19/39/11)

20. A book with career advice
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and People Will Follow You by John C Maxwell(20/15/23/8)

21. A book from a nonhuman perspective
I am a Cat (21/5/10/26)

22. A steampunk novel
Infernal Devices by KW Jester or Fairest (22/4)

23. A book with a red spine 
TBA - really could be anything and a few on this list do have that red spine!
**Updated, changed book to Shop on Blossom (Blossom Street #1) Street by Debbie Macomber**

24. A book set in the wilderness
The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss

25. A book you loved as a child
Stellaluna by

26. A book by an author from a country you've never visited
Macbeth by Shakespeare (26/27)

27. A book with a title that's a character's name
Beowulf (17/13/26/27)

28. A novel set during wartime
Wandering Star by Jean-Marie Le Clezio (28/32/26)

29. A book with an unreliable narrator

30. A book with pictures 
 Frozen Olaf Welcomes Spring by Disney

31. A book where the main character is a different ethnicity than you
 Sushi for One? (Sushi, #1) by Camy Tang (39/32/31)

32. A book about an interesting woman
 Little Women (Little Women, #1) by Louisa May Alcott (39/32)
33. A book set in two different time periods
 Destiny (Rogue Angel, #1) by Alex Archer (39/33/32)

34. A book with a month or day of the week in the title
April and the Dragon Lady by Lensey Namioka (34/32/31/27/5/26)

35. A book set in a hotel
The Next Always (Inn BoonsBoro, #1) by Nora Roberts (39/35/32/4)

36. A book written by someone you admire
Babylon Rising (Babylon Rising, #1) by Tim LaHaye (39/36)

37. A book that's becoming a movie in 2017
Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (37/32/26) is one that will be but there are many others that will be and this might change.

38. A book set around a holiday other than Christmas
Any kid book that I think my Nephew or Niece might like or Countdown to a Kiss (a New Year's Eve Anthology) by Colleen Gleason, Holli Bertram, Mara Jacobs, Liz Kelly

39. The first book in a series you haven't read before
Lord of the Fading Lands (Tairen Soul, #1) by C.L. Wilson (39/32/31)

40. A book you bought on a trip
Daughters of Rome (The Empress of Rome, #2) by Kate Quinn (40/32/31/)

These are the Extended list. If I can do ALL 40 book listed above then yes, I will try a few in the next 12 listed here. Do I think that is likely to get all 52? Nope, so if I get into this list it will be books that can mix with other ones are pulled from the previous 40. But for you readers, I have put this list here incase this is something you would like to do one day!

1. A book recommended by an author you love

2. A bestseller from 2016

3. A book with a family member term in the title

4. A book that takes place over a character's life span

5. A book about an immigrant or refugee

6. A book from a genre/subgenre you've never heard of

7. A book with an eccentric character

8. A book that's more than 800 pages

9. A book you got from a used book sale
10. A book that's been mentioned in another book

11. A book about a difficult topic

12. A book based on mythology

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Motto of the year, "Simple Life"

Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとう!  새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Bonne année! And 'happy new year' in another languages you know or can think of! ^_^ 

In the flavor of the new year, and all the resolutions that last about a month or so, I like to keep it easy but instead of a resolutions I am doing a Motto, "Easy Living". In Japan when a new emperor is 'crowned' they have a 'motto' for their reign or era. Heisei was the one chosen in 1989 and is the current era; Heisei is intended to mean "peace everywhere".  Now for me, Easy Living is gonging to mean take each day as it comes, (do that anyways) declutter my life and living and mind. So in lite of the decluttering I am going to take this time to go through my recipes and that I have been saving and make them, as for any who knows me I have a janky oven and I do not usually cook so this will be a struggle for me. Going to go through each room in my apartment and get rid of things I don't need or no longer use.

Now for some people this is very Stressful to do, and cooking and getting rid of recipes is time consuming and therefore becoming stressful for me. Letting go to certain things in my life is also hard to do but I have been caring it from place to place and move to move and keeping it is more stressful at this time then letting it go. So how to counter?

Well you can always find tips and tricks that will work best for you in your own life but me, I am a blend of stuff so I take bits of pieces from about anything. Knowing what works best for me is learning more about myself and can be looked as a self journey.

This nice picture I found on Google and has some nice tips and tricks on it that I find most useful to me and my style of life and cleaning!

In the end it is the memories they hold and even if there was a fire and I lost it all or if I give it away or have it stolen I can take photos of it so I remembered what it looked liked but the memory of what happened with the object will always be a memory photo or clutter. And that is something that is helping me move on with my life without it being in my life now.

So here is my 'Simple Living' life and how I plan to make my life more simple by getting rid of what is cluttering it up!

  1. Each month I pick a new room (not forgetting basic stuff in the other rooms) and gut it! For my first room I picked my Bathroom. It is small making it easy to go through and give it the good scrub! (walls and all I can be OCD on the cleaning and it stresses me each year) Also, we all know how much stuff we get around the holydays (i.e. lotions, travel stuff, and meds)  make my 3 piles; keep/recycle, give/sell, and toss. (I make the trash can the toss pile) As much as I hate my self I do make a pile on TBD and carry it around with me to each room so it never leaves my mind and at the end I will see how much I wanted it, if I am tried of carrying it around it goes and still can't get rid of it, it stays.
  2. To power through the saved recipes do one new recipe a week, that gives me 52 recipes. This takes the cooking stress down for me and if I miss a week then I can do 2 the next and so forth.
  3. To get through more recipes, I am doing 1 desert like food a month. If I feel like doing more I can but I don't need to. Now since my stove does not like cakes and cookies from me I will not be doing anything like that till I work out this janky stove.
  4. Upload liked recipes into my online recipe book so that I have it any where I go and take it off the self and box so I can see what other ones I have yet to do.
  5. Wile I sit and enjoy my cats, movie/TV, and food take about 5-10 minuets a day to go through all the papers I have collected over the years and take care of my piles, file or recycle.
On  a separate note, I am going to take a whack at the PopSugar 2017 reading list this year and see what happens, It has been on my to do list like NaNoWriMo (and that didn't go so well with life advents that took place that month) But I will give this a crack just to spice up the simple life!

Happy Going on your better life challenges you made!