Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ford v Ferrari Movie Review

There are some types of movies that you grow to be attracted to and then there are some that you are just naturally attracted to. Something about racing, cars and high speed seem to make my heart beat like I am talking to my crush. This I discovered after watching "Herbi", the original movie with Dean Jones and any thriller like "Italian Job". 

The other movie attraction I came to like are "Based on True Stories" and this love came from watching the animated movies such as "Balto" and "Anistaisa" to movies like the "Remember the Titans" and "We are Marshall". I found I loved looking up the REAL history and learning about their true life - I like history.

With this movie hitting both of those it then pulled at my own love of Fords and Mustangs, for I grew up in a Ford loving family. My dad'd first card was a Ford and so was mine, he had not only a small truck but 2 Ford tractors for our small farm. My grandfather owned a big truck he would use to hull things around his farm and later just for personal use. My siblings also share the same love, we are Ford people.

So while I was surfing the movies app, as it seems this is what my life is all about it now a days, I found the movie I have been DYING to see with Stars Christian Bale and Matt Damon, Ford v Ferrarie!

Other names found in this movie are Josh Lucas (Sweet Home Alabama - Jake) and from iconic tv shows; Caitriona Balfe (Outlander - Clare) and Jon Bernthal (Walking Dead - Shane). 

Now that you know the level of what drove me to watch this (sadly not in theaters - another story) let me talk about the movie!

This movie is about Carroll Shelby and Ken Miles, their love for fast cars and creating something beyond the possible in the world of cars! This is a bromance (for those who love those) at the heart, they fight and work things out, they have huge talks without saying to much. These two had a connection that melts the heart and I am sad to say don't always come around, I am very luck to know I have my Ken Miles in my corner in my life! And both actors did AMAZINGLY at getting this feel good friendship! 

I am sad to say that I found that I hated Mr. Beebe (Josh Lucas), and truly wish that the real person got his just deserves. Josh does a wonderful job at playing the deuce-est, slime ball in the movie, you want to strangle his neck but you would have to pull his head out of his butt to do so. And I guess it was not to far off.

The Gent who plays Ford Jr also had his moments, in the film he seems to be a spoiled rich older man who wants to live in his dad's foot steps and doesn't truly think for himself on what is truly best for ford. And from Mr. Beebe giving his 2 cents to Ford Jr. we got this movie - so sadly, I think this might not be to far off on Big Biz listening to people who want to toot their own horn rather then do what is morally right. 

I loved K. Miles wife in the film, played by Caitriona Balfe, she was understanding but she also laid thing out to him on where they stand and what she expects of him. 

This Film had me at the edge of my seat and heart racing as fast as the racers! So many moments where at the end of a race I had to take a long sigh from me holding my breath! I will same the music also help amp up the anticipation and all but even though there was no guns shots or blood this movie had me more on my seat then the thrillers I have seen as of late.

There is so much to love on this movie that I see it as a must see for anyone!

As for the real life stuff, the REAL Ken Miles, yes I feel was robbed like the rest of the world, and hope with this movie help bring about some change to that. I would love to see him go down as a Triple Crown owner but it would only be meaningful with his decedents and those who loved him that are still around for sadly he is no longer with us as for Mr Shelby who passed in 2012. (This was in the 60s)

And near the end of Miles's life there are some that believe it was conspiracy, and I can see that if Mr. Beebe was truly that evil of a man and other say it was just him being unlucky. So I guess this is where you ask yourself  'Did Carroll Baskin kill her husband?' or not. We my never know, but I take comfort that now his story get to be told and hopefully Ford makes something for racing called KM in his memory and take it for a spin in today's races!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Feel the Beat on Netflix movie Review

As I was scanning My good ol' friend Netflix this original movie popped up as a recommendation for me to watch, Feel the Beat.

Being the person I am and the few lucky years I got to learn dance I tend to have a soft spot in my heart for most dance films. This one caught my eye even more then Center Stage did for the premise.

This movie, Feel the Beat is about a down on her luck girl going home after feeling like she failed New York and ends up teaching some girls in her home town to try for her last shot in show biz.

The movie goes on as one would guess, not a lot of twist and turns like a thriller, this is just a simple movie done with a wonderful cast and I loved the guess shots near the end!!!

What makes me connect to this movie is a few things, and some may to the common person seem weird but they are three and no matter how small it is that is what make us, the consumers fall in love with movies, books, and music.

This film has a hand full of little things that it plays off of and one is that when our girl is down her dad tells her she needs cheese. Now, in most films or families we go to soul food, Ice cream, cake, pies, cookies and alcohol. In my family we go to the sweets when one is down, I myself go to the cliche Ice cream I keep in my freezer for me and a bottle of wine. So this "Cheese" thing was very different and my first thought was I bet we are in Wisconsin, ONLY a cheese head would offer that. (sorry if that term offends anyone it is not meant to be a negative thing just to show what they are known for) But at the same time I was surprised since I didn't think people not around there (or the neighboring states) would of known that.So that was fun for me as an Easter egg, for I LOVE when film does something different the big cities.

Another thing is that this film has a death girl in in and does use American Sign Language through half the film. This gives me all the feels! I see that some shows are starting to put that into their shows like the Dragon Prince Netflix and I am so exited to see this group get some face time!

But the big thing that got me was early on in this movie when she comes back from tryouts and she is being forced to face the truth and she then talks to her dad for a brief time. For that scene takes me back, back to when I myself felt like my world was falling a part and had I wasn't sure what to do but I told all my loved ones that I was fine and tried to hide it from the world. In truth I still finding myself doing this but it is a level that pulled me into this film. 

That scene was not only well done by the 2 actors but the writers did a beautiful job on capturing the moment.

Now, I know that this is a movie and you have to have a point the proves the the main character has changed for the better but I also don't believe that the last 15-30 min of the movie  would truly happen that way. But I don't work in Hollywood or New York just small things here and there and indie stuff. 

Check out this film if you have Netflix or find a friend that does! It is a beautiful film and deserves to be seen.