Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Making a Tie

So as I move on in my costume making for Halloween (that is fast approaching) I now find myself wanting to make the tie being that all the ties I am now finding are in the UK and would have to be shipped to the US. -_- So I thought, "why not make one? How hard could it be?" So I went looking around to see!
 From the site listed above it looks REALY simple! (But lets see how truly simple it is when I have to sew it. <_<) But if you go there and look there is NO pattern nor does it help much in the sewing department.
These two sites do help were the other one lacks but, I am picky and I like the other style more then this one. But I could use it and change it to my likings! But I have a general idea with about how much I should buy in fabrics and thread.

This blog not at all helpful in finding out how much one needs to make this and the "making" the pattern is not very helpful am makes it look harder then it should be.
Deviant Art has a VERY simple how to make a tie from scratch! It dosen't tell you how much fabric you need or any thing else that would be needed to make the tie but it help in the idea how how to make your own!
THIS site I feel is the most helpful that I have found out of the others, but I wounder on their sewing skills when I saw a pucker after they were done sewing.

Then it never falls! Youtube! If this is the first time reading a pattern or thinking you need a refreshers course on what every little thing in the pattern means the video called Simplicity Pattern 4762 is a wonderfully done video!!! This is the way I would make a tie, I am not big on hand sewing something that I know I could do in half the time and better on a machine. You don't have to use a Simplicity pattern, you could use others, Butterwick, or some other brand that is on sale or is cheaper.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog - review

Okay, so I was at a friends place playing Settlers of Catan -great game and worth the price! Before we started we watched "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog." I admit, I never heard of it till that night when I was informed that this was made and put onto the internet all during the Writer's Strike. Joss Whedon (writer for Buffy, AngelFirefly, and movies like Avengers and Serenity.) and his family wrote this movie.

Encase you missed that, great shows wear stopped and some shows that had high hopes never got off the ground, same for movies and such. Heroes' 2nd season was cut short because of that and ended up with a poor story line.

But back to Dr. Horrible, It was not what I was thinking when my friend was explaining it to me. At first I thought it might be some lame job or just all around not my cup of tea, but I was wrong.

Things that make a good movie for me is mostly the DIALOG. (if you read the one about 2 good movies you might of noticed that when I talk about them) After comes, "how many people do I know in here?" The MORE I know the more I like it, and usually the newer it is the less I know. X_x The rest after that is up for grabs.

The dialog was okay but the lyrics for the songs were fun and nerdy, making it great in my opinion! The music was also kind of nice, even though I felt like the repeated the same notes a lot. I would of liked a bit more of a verity on the music but I still loved the songs, also keeping in mind that Writer's Strike was happening as well.

I MY WORD! I know SO many people in it and was looking for more in this 45min internet movie! I was very psyched! Which, each actor/actress surprised me that they could sing, the only one I was not surprised of was Neil Patrick Harris, via the Muppet Movie. And I was doubly happy when I knew Miss Day and my friend did not. ^_^

Simon Helberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day

Encase you do not recognize them you could IMDB them or watch, Big Bang Theory, Firefly/Serenity, How I Meet Your Mother, and The Guild. All are big named but the Guild, that is a series.

Also both Firefly/Serenity and The Guild have comics about them, and ONLY Firefly/Serenity had one season. All very nerdy! 8D