Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Review - Magnum, P.I. (TV Series)

Lookie here, another TV series review! This time it Magnum, P.I!

Some people might remember this show, others however might not even know what this is even about!

Back in the day, (1980-1988) there ran a show called, Magnum, P.I. I was not around for the first half but still saw some of them due to my mother who liked this show.

And if you have been wondering about why this guy looks familiar is because he (Thomas Selleck) has been a ZILLION things, 3 Men and a Baby, various Jessie Stone TV movies (Based of the Robert B. Parker novels), a few Rockford Files episodes (this one got me into thrillers as well as Charles's Angels), Quigley Down Under, and was the voice to Cornelius in Meet the Robinsons.

What is this series about? It is about a retired Navy officer who now works for himself as a Privet Investigator. He lives for free in the guest house of a famous writer in exchange for him to test his security system, much to the annoyance of the gentleman (Higgins) that lives there to advance the security so no one can brake in! He also uses his friends (T.C. and Rick) for free rides and food always saying that he will pay them back, some times he does!

Now how did I feel about this show? Well I like it for the time and well, I like crime like shows with hot rods in it! One thing I do have to complain about is in one episode 2 other retirees of the Navy asked Magnum what does 1800 mean. Being in the military they would all know that it meant 6pm and not need to ask, but it was a great way to tell others who might not know what it meant to find out that you just subtract 12.

And the only way I know that is back in the day my little brother was big about guns and military time and would give me the time in that, kind of glad he did for around the world the use this 24 hour time so it was nice to get a head start on it.

Other then that each show was different from the other some did play n things that happened in other episodes but they were small and subtle. I was a little sad that in the pilot there was a girl who was to come back and when she did they would date. Well, that never happens. And really, you couldn't do that for the "sexy" PI would not be free to pursue other beautiful women in shows to come.

I would say that you would do yourself a favor by watching this series for the other 3 main people are in MANY things as well and some of them are well known shows! 
  •  John Hillerman (Higgins) has been in Love Boat, Blazing Saddles, Hawaii Five-O (original), and History of the World: Part One to name a few. 
  • Larry Manetti (Rick) - Hawaii Five-O (2013 remake), JAG, Walker, Taxes Ranger, Battlestar Galactica (1978) 
  • Sadly Roger E.Mosley (T.C.) has not had many long standing roles in anything big I can think of but newer one that he is in is FCU: Fact Checkers Unit and has appeared in a MILLION series as with small roles, Walker, Taxes RangerRoboCop, Love Boat, Rockford Files,  and Sanford and Son.
It was worth it to see all these people in one show!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reveiw - Witchblade (TV Series)

A few months ago I was shopping at Wal-Mart and saw in there TV series section Witchblade for under 10 so I thought I would pick it up and see if I liked it or not. Heck,  I did that with Birds of Prey and that wasn't under 10 that I can recall; but that is for another day!

Just as a side note, this series is based on a comic books series by Top Crow back in good ol' 1995 to the present day. And back in 2000 TNT hosted this series for 2 seasons, did I know and watched it back then? No, to tell the truth, I don't fully remember it being on the air. There was also an Anime series too. Of course you can find all this online like IMDB or Wikki.

So why did I pick up this series? It was under 10, based on a comic book series, completed and I like finding new shows to watch.

The series is about a woman who finds herself in sticky situations and one day ends up with this ancient magical weapon on her wrist to aid her in her battles as she works for the NYPD.

**Spoilers Are going to happen, you have been warned!**

So we start out the series with Sara looking for a killer to one of her best friends since childhood. She gets him at the life of her partner/friend, Danni Woo. And just before this take down she finds -or rather the Witchblade finds her and if not for this ancient blade she too would of been killed. So from the death of Woo, Jake McCartey becomes Sara's new partner at the demands of the NEW Captain, Bruno Dante, who seems to hate Sara Pezzini for no good reason.

Nice opening to the series and so forth,Woo then becomes her angel and consultant for the series but at first is little use to her for the whole first half of the first season and yet he gets a spot lite in the opening credits where as Gabriel Bowman -who shows up quite yearly on the seen AND is heard more then Ghost Woo is he was not seen in the opening the second season.

One thing that did bug me a bit was that in EVERY opening credit a narrator was always taking about the show, I guess that is fine for those who have come in late to the series but I feel like when the do a "previously on Witchblade..." I feel the narration was not needed at this point and was supper glad when they changed that in the second season I did however like that in the last or near the end of the first season that changed to be Sara talking about the Witchblade.

Now throughout the whole first half of season one, Danni Woo was a ghost who helped very little, Gabriel was a guy Sara would go to find out more on weird and/or ancient things, Jake was someone who was trying to be in every scene with Sara and then crosses lines of friendship when he is asked to betray her from the new Capt and Ian Nottingham was a man who loved her beyond reasoning and grew with every episode to at one point defy his controller/father(?), Kenneth Irons when he switches from wanting to kill Sara to put her in his bed to wanting to controlling her. In one big nut shell, the whole first half is EVERYONE whanting to get Sara in their beds, Jake, Nattiongham, Irons and at some point I felt like Gabriel might of wanted that too.

So now we arrive at the end of the first season, Jake is REALLY with the FBI and is trying to take down the White Bulls that has tried to kill Sara and who REALLY killed her father and never was really going to kill her but is now and forever her backup!

Gabriel never lied who he was but can somehow see ghost Woo. Woo starts becoming more of a help when she is DYING, Sara finds a lover she had in another time (Celtic) and he is murdered, makeing her stay far from everyone she cares for and her old Captain who was her father's partner and her second dad is killed by the Bulls, Nottingham lets himself be killed because he can not "serve" two masters (his heart/Sara and Irons/father) and a cloned Ian is now on the streets and has NO remorse -none, zip, nothing! And Irons is kills everyone, even Sara. 

WOW, what a game ender for the first season, right? What is the next season going to be, Sara healing from her mortal wounds to move on with EVERYONE as ghost along with Woo? Or is there going to be one? Nope, she reverses time like Super Man, but she does one better, she take you ALL the way back to the first episode of the first season to were her and Woo were about to take out the bad guy that killed her friend!

At this point I was mixed about how I should feel, should I through this DVD set out the window cause it sucked half my life and emotions away on EVERYONE'S death (Woo, Natingham, Jake, Conchobar) and I had to start all over again! Or suck it up and keep watching and hate life? 

Now, as I hate life I let the second season take what is left of my life away much like the first one.

So here we are at the start of a new season, but feeling like the first but with anger and hate! So Danni, no longer the "helpful" ghost and Jake is still the newbie in the department and "not" FBI, the Bulls are still unknown and her friend's killer, Tommy Gallo is still alive. And this DOES NOT change! Danni Woo, almost died on the second episode and I almost had a cow on that! 

Now there were a few things that helped save me from being consumed with hate was that she had flash back to the first season to aid her in what was happening now, Danni was alive, Gabriel was in the opening credits, and the narrator is no longer there. Another thing I liked was that Sara used Tommy Gallo for help since she didn't kill him. Also Nottingham gets a version of Sara for a bit. I am glad he got a girl at some point.

A few things I did not like was that Jake is still unknown and his mission to find these dirty cops goes south. The old Captain Joe Siri is not see or talked about nor his retirement, okay maybe once and you see Captain Bruno Dante once and then at the end of the season there is a newer Captain who seems to like Sara and not want to kill her for no reason. Ian Nottingham goes a bit screwball as the season continues, Conchobar is not a part of her life and ALL the missions she and Jake went on no longer in existence and the season become more of a paranormal show then a cop with an ancient blade. They also set up the ending for another season that never came! And to top it off a mystery man who's shadow was in a scene flash back in the last episode of season one has been randomly in EVERY episode this season.

I know that time has reset but some of those cases would still happen the outcome would be different though and for the sake of TV and books you wouldn't go back to them.... although it still made me mad.

Bruno SHOULD for all general purpose should have been in there trying to get Sara and WHERE in the seven hells did this new Captain come from who is not Bruno? So now how will Jake get his case and take these guys down?

Over all, first season was good second was okay. Really that is what mostly happens with me for series. A little sadden about not having a 3rd season to see if Sara's lover wakes from his coma and how can Sara get the real Gabriel back and not some weird version of Irons. And Sara's father's murder is still out there... well kind of.