Sunday, November 24, 2019

Little Mermaid Universe Review

I was taking a trip down memory lane with the Little Mermaid on Disney+, why? Growing up this was my favorite movie and story, and has remained one of my favorites. I had no doubt that all the movies were going to be on this new app but was never so excited to see that they had also put the series on the app so I could relive my childhood and find out how bad Ariel's Beginning was.

After watching Ariel's Beginning and putting on the Series to keep walking down memory line I thought I would blog about it from the beginning.

In the late 1980's they made this movie that I had always hope to turn into a Broadway play and live action movie in my lifetime so I could auction for the role of Ariel. I had even made my own fan-fiction with Ariel having a daughter who would meet Aladdin's son and go on her own adventures among other versions of fan-fiction with the world of Ariel and Aladdin.

Needless to say it did happen around the time I could follow that idea I just happen to be in the wrong place and found out about it to late, but that is neither here nor there now.

I honestly don't remember much merch when this show came out other then a few things. Witch was confirmed by my mother since she looked high and low for more merch for my room, like clocks, lamps and such. We did not find that till I was a teenager (who still loved this classic story)

Then one day on ABC I found in the early to mid 90's they made a TV series that I fell in love with! (Aladdin was also a series around the same time) This series had a small back story on how Ariel met Flounder, the friends she made under the sea, showed some of her family life and also had her love for human things while not distorting ANY characters from the 1989 movie. There are many other reasons to love this series but that is just a few.

As I write this blog I had the series playing in the background and I realized how much I remembered by the title alone, some I need the one line descriptions, and so far only a few that I need to watch the first 5 min to remind me.

Somehow this movie picked up steam and in the 2000's Disney made the Little Mermaid II, that would star her daughter and Ariel. I remember watching this thinking that it could of been so much better! I have not re-watched it in a long time and thought about it but I would have way more to write then anyone would want to read on an overview.

I will add that this was my my little sister's favorite for a minuet since she seemed to always like the same things I did and would always go for the child of the character I liked. As an adult she says it was because they where a child like her and she liked them for that among others, and that has since changed. :)

Then after that Disney made another movie (not remembering the
series -obviously) to the origins of Ariel, I see this was the worst I ever saw!!! Not only did it not stay true to the characters but also never really talked about WHY she was banded from the human world, music was never a thought from the series or movie and there is a scene where the family is in a lagoon singing! That was this biggest thing that made me upset about this story, and that was the whole plot of this movie! There was other things that was off from the original story and series.

Not only was the story line and characters was off but so was the animations, they did not do the sisters justice, they would go to bed with the same hair and then "fix" it in the morning when there was nothing to fix.

The room they had layout was also bad, they are princesses they would have their own bed rooms not one like the orphanage in Anastasia and such.

There was so much bad that as the series still plays in the background I see how much better the series was and even the layout of the rooms matched what was in the movie.

I feel that last movie was made by people who just didn't care and wanted to put something out with the title of the Little Mermaid and not doing any research on the story that the Disney Co made for this lovable princess and her world!

I hope the live action movie will not let me down like these additional movies did and the writers do their research on this world.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Robin Hood Movies reviews

Hello again, it has been a long time but I am trying to make some time to return here, to the digital world. I had thought of many things I could talk about here and topics but it is late at night and I was watching on of the many versions of Robin hood and wanted to share some thoughts on it.

Robin Hood has been remade and retold in so many forms, the first movie to grace the world of the the tale of Robin and his men was in 1908 and went by the name Robin Hood and His Merry Men, if you go by Wikipedia. But of the first set of remakes and the one that started the love of Robin was during the silent era in 1922, with Douglas Fairbanks. A name that was as well known as John Wayne or Brad Bit are today. This silent film inspired the next well known film in 1938, Adventures of Robin Hood, hat out ranked the 1922 version, this remake stared the loved action star Errol Flynn in what many say was his greatest role. From here list goes on, just look at IMDB when you type in Robin Hood!

I will not go into details on all the films, shorts or even covers just a few that I remember that set me up for the story of how one man can inspire so many, live outside the law when the law is unjust and corrupted by the government and be so humble that he want nothing more then to give his riches to those in need.

Let me begin with the one from my earliest memory of Robin, Disney's animated Robin Hood.

Before I was born in 1973, Walt Disney made this beloved animated cartoon with animals. As a child I never thought of the animals representing anything but just being fun. Now, many years later and looking back I see that it was not just random but planned.

I will not go into a lot of detail but I will say this, the songs, animation, and story shown with animals was a great idea for a child to fall in love with this classic story. Although not all the characters in the original story made it into this version, and with that I mean Will. He has been in many versions and not all in a good way.

I do love the voice cast, for they used the talents of people who had the roles in another Disney movie, the Jungle Book.

As a side comment I will bring back up how there was an older very well know Robin Hood movie from 1938 with  Errol Flynn. This was so well known that in 1949 when Warner Brothers did Rabbit Hood with Bugs Bunny they had a small clip at the end  with his Iconic line, "Welcome to Sherwood."

WB did other short films with reference to Robin but I will not get into that today, just know they are there.

I have not seen these in so long that it seems like a distinct memory, I do remembering loving the Bugs Bunny versions since it was not the normal story line. It was Bugs being Bugs, and him dealing with the sheriff in his way meeting other known players in the story and him nothing thinking Robin was even a real person. Seeing the clip at the end told me there was another out there that one day I might see and understand this nod to another film.

The Errol Flynn film, that took the world is still a great classic to see and once you see this you will find small hints of this film in others, like the Disney's animated movie, the remake in 91 and then Mel Brook's - but I am getting ahead of myself.

Again many, many remakes, shorts, parodies, and of the like from this 1938 with Errol Flynn to the the 1964 musical set in 1930's Chicago called Robin and the 7 Hoods staring Frank Sinatra to the 1973 Disney animated film to my next film in 1991 that became a big reference point in the Robin Hood Films.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 1991 had a huge cast of people, Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Alan Rickman, and Sean Connery. Now a fun fact to know about Sean being in this film is that this was he third time in the Robin Hood movies but now he played King Richard over Robin. He was in the 1976 Robin and Marian film with the lovely Audrey Hepburn and something smaller in the 80's

But I bring this film up next not because it was the next film I saw in the Robin series I saw growing up but because without seeing this movie the Film that Mel Brooks does not meet all that it can be!

This film is the first that I can think of that bring in diversity and new characters to the story line that made this one different then the others making it stand out from the other remakes.

Just a few years later Mel Brooks took this film and made a parody of it in 1993 calling it Robin Hood: Men in Tights using Costner's version from 1991 and Flynn's from 1938. This film was so well done and is one of my Favorite films that he did, the attention to details strait to the makes and hair to the characters themselves is just something to see and can not be explained!

To fully appreciate this film I would HIGHLY recommend to see both Flynn and Costner's films. I did not see the 1991 Robin Hood till after I saw this film and still loved it and found it supper funny. I saw the 1991 film and my jaw dropped on how close Mel had taken things to the one in the 90's with little reference to the 1938.

After what I feel was a master piece to round off the Robin Hood series comes the 2010 remake with Russel Crow, this was a different take then all the others. Robin was not Loxley, Marian was not a maiden and she was not the kind of woman to stand by.

Marian was played by Cate Blanchett, whom now I find it hard to see her in anything not fairy tale like or fantasy with her roles from Lord of the Rings and Thor.

This film was not awful, it was different and gave a new tell to the story. Not may favorite but decent, I watched it twice only realizing I watched it once half way through the movie a second time.

This film is darker then then the others and does not follow the same war that the others talk about getting the king back. They also have a all the main people, Will, Little John, Tuck and 2 more that that escape me.

The last film I want to end with is the one from 2018.

I am at a lost for words on this film, when I heard about it I thought, 'oh, just another remake maybe with a twist'

I was not far from the mark, this is Robin Hood with huge twists. I felt like I was watching a steam punk or sci fi influenced version of Robin Hood. you had a nod to the 1991 film with an Arab friend helping Robin out, you have you main cast.

I did love how the made Marian a thief in the beginning of the movie and it was different to see medieval wear with more modern flares to it.

This was not my favorite, and in truth it is hard to be the 1993 spoof of Robin hood for me but for a younger crowed who want something different, maybe with a little Steam Punk flare this is up your ally.

After looking up all the dates on these films, for there was no way I would remember all the dates on these films I found some that I think is just fun to mention and one I would like to see.

2017 Hindi Film
2012 German/USA film
What film did you see? Would like to see? Or was your favorite in this crazy list of remakes and such?