So here it is, another cosplay idea. I had this one come up when I was planing Maka from Soul Eater, Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy 8 (for the org. PlayStation system). I just didn't want to post this just after I did one for Maka, but time has passed and I feel like I can put it up here now!
So here it is, my Step-by-step plans on making Rinoa!

Step 1: Taking care of the easy things!
a) Necklace, this I would find a chain (thick) and put on it 2 rings as the charms.b) Black Top, I would use one I have (tank or spaghetti strap top) and use black thread to gather the center to give it the "Heart Shape" cut.
c) Arm Band, find some scrape black fabric (or black ribbon) and make it a foot long to start!
d) Black Shorts, buy a pair Black Biker Shorts @ Wal-Mart.
Step 2: Putting the sowing machine to work...or my needles/hooks!

1; Sowing, How to Make Arm Warmers (YouTube)
or I would by the fabric and just sow around the top & bottom edge a elastic band. -_-
2; Knitting/Crocheting, Knitting Pattern Central (mittens/gloves) or Crochet Pattern. (Really these paterens I think are useless in a small way, I would use them to see how much I need in yarn.) A simple K2P1 would work and just do that til you think it is long/wide enough!
c) Skirt, here I would just buy the fabric measure waste, hips/but, and length to were I think it should fall. Add 1-2 inch for the length and the width give it a nice fish look and add buttons/button holes! (Sounds easy, right? We shall see!) Note: ALWAYS try things 1st on scraps!
b) Jacket/Shrug, To match the Arm Warmers I would chose to...
1; sow the thing to the "Shape" I think it should be and wing it like I will be doing with the Skirt or go and find a pattern... <_<
2; Knitting/Crochet the thing to (again) the shape I think it should be and put some binding around the edges to I can get the tie/button thing to work out!
Step 3: Extra time?
So here I find myself at the end of making Rinoa come to life, the last few steps are now the simple touches to make her closer to the game! The wings, I was thinking that I could add the white yarn into the blue (if I go that wrought) but then I thought maybe I just might take a thing a bleach and dab it with into the design on the back. Or is I sow the thing, I would do the same thing with bleach or I would sow on one. Not really sure on which way I like most or is the more simple!
Will update this post when I get myself started in making it!
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