Saturday, June 23, 2012

DIY - Beds

So I am in the process of redecorating my bedroom and Started looking into bigger beds because, lets face it, 2 LARGE cats + 1 small cat + me = not enough room. So as I move into a bigger room I have started looking into bigger beds.

As I looked around debating what size bed I should get I started to see strange and cool beds and thought I would blog on my findings!

This was one of the first few beds I saw online. I was under "ZEN". I am sure one could get a good night sleep in this bed, it would be like being rocked to sleep every night! Although I can see myself waking up in different parts of the room every morning and with cats? They might have a shorter tail or missing a few toes... XP

This bed I found YEARS and years ago when I was looking up beds for when I moved out of my folks place... Oh, those pre-collage days. I believe that this bed was also under the word "ZEN". 

Compered to the other one I WOULD sleep in this one, it is so unique and modern! *Note: I usually do not like modern things.

I saw this one first and thought of Lord of the Rings and the woods of Lorien and Galadriel who lives there mostly because it is white like all the White Birches that were in the movie.

 I thought it was REALLY cool  and would love one if it wasn't so flat and then this other one popped up a little later.

But after a some time I found the ideal bed for me! This does not however mean I am going to go out and by one, but if I see one for a great deal then yeah, it will be in my room the next day!

 It is simple and elegant, with dark wood and shear curtains that hang in the way I would like. It does not need a box, so I would save money on that and a bed skirt would hid the wood around the bed but could be used if wanted. I would, however like the top to have a hump and not be so strait but I think that the way it is would work in ANY room!

The ones that follow are some other random beds I saw with my thoughts about them when I was looking for a bed!

Cool, but to many places for me to hurt myself when I get bruises from the wall.
I would feel like I am sleeping in a coffin or the start of a pool.

I think there are too many people in the house if these 5 beds are needed!
Would of love this as a kid! I would so put my kid sister in the one that goes under the bed! lol
For those with limited space! More comfortably then the futon!

Sailing anyone?

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