Friday, August 31, 2012

2 Movies Worth Watching

After a long day of cleaning for work and home and what not, I finally sat down to eat and watch some movies as my brake. In between the thoughts of  "what should I eat" and "what should I put in to go with my food" I was thinking about movies I loved when I was a kind in the 90's and what I haven't seen in some time because of reasons that come up and drown me in it...

So, as I was thinking on what I should watch I decided on Ever After: a Cinderella Story. I just bought this movie at a pawn shop and remember loving it long ago when it was on the TV every other day. Then after that I thought about Princess Bride another fave for me. When watching them I noticed that this movies go together like peanut-butter & jelly, and just as different.

So starting with the first movie I watched the other night going to the second one I will explain this idea.

In short, Ever After was BRILLIANTLY beautiful! The dialogue was fully thought out. I found myself trying to remember the dialogue between the characters. Some of my favorite was between Di Vinci and the Prince, one when they are by the lack and he talks of love and the other was after Danell runs off. Some other wonderful lines appear between the to lovers as well.

The actor/actress were casted well, they all knew who they were and how they should react to the statement of the other people and the things going around them. Even the smaller cast-members were in the flow of things and knew who they were. Farmer #2 was not just a farmer but he was John Doe the farmer and was married to Jane, and 2 dogs and they lived on a farm and came to town every Tuesday to sell there crops... That is were I find the best of actors, when they can take a small character and give them a WHOLE biography just for their 5 seconds of fame! It may not be much but it brakes or makes a BEAUTIFUL movie.

There were several spots were I thought the movie SHOULD end. I don't know what gave me the idea that this movie was going to end in this areas or why. Was I thinking, "when will this movie be over?" and that made me think the movie should end there or was I think at the age, "this movie would be even better with sad ending?" With that as my last thought it make me worry of what my mental stages were as a child. I know I have always liked sadder things when it came to songs, plays and movies; like Romeo & Juliet, Tristan & Isolde, the Long Goodbye and I Miss You. Was I even then, found of these things? No wonder I have depression, when children think of sad things would be better then happy things and death being the ideal why to go. (o.o)

The places I thought would be good endings was when Danell runs and falls, gets up and runs some more, I thought it would be a great cliffhanger. By the way, the movie IS almost over at this point. The other spot was were Da Vinci told the prince, "you do not deserve her." Leaving it with the, 'this is you fault dimwit, if you loved her it would never matter' feel. The third spot was when Danell got home and was crying on the door step only, wet and hurt. There were others that I thought would be good to as a child from this point on but I think they are not necessary to talk I still think this are some decent spots to end, really. But the why it did end was good for an up lifting movie with a good message at the end, "The point gentlemen, is that they lived."

Going farther into this movie you see a young woman who has a brain and speaks out with what is on it in a time were that was frowned upon. She has a hunger to learn, to were there was nowhere for her except for the books she can find. She hungers for love and approval but does not change who she is for it. She is what I wanted to be as a child, strong and smart, beautiful and graceful in all that she does. She does not wait for her prince charming to save her and saves herself. This is just a brief description of her and her role in the movie, a STRONG female character for all young girls to look up to who lives each day to the fullest!

Here is another movie, it takes place along the same timeline but in another world. Were as the last one was serious with a few laughs, this one is based on laughs!

This movie also has well thought out dialogue, witty and smart. "As You Wish," I don't think anyone will ever forget the meaning of those tree words. I find it brilliant that "I Love You" and "As You Wish" are both three little words that since this movie now means the same. It is as beautiful as when Hon Solo replied, "I Know" to Lea's, "I  Love You."

This movie was made for both Guys and Gals. I know MANY guys that love this movie and will not ague with me if I put it in. Were as "Ever After" is geared to women both are great date movies for me. One for smart-wit and the other one for funny-wit.

Were as the last one as a strong female role this one is week, and is waiting for her love to help her cross a mud puddle. But deep down everyone wants to be pampered and waited on and a man to show how much he loves her buy braving the odds and saving her through it all. It is a cliche that they used in this movie. Only this movie would not hold so much love for it unless all the funny, witty lines that show up and make me laugh every time I watch it.

The lines that I think made the movie are classic lines like "As You Wish" and the whole scene were Billy Crystal's character's wife comes out and says. "I not a witch, I am your WIFE!" and "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." and the notable "Inconceivable" All of these are memorable lines given over and over, but it is not the lines that made the movie it was why they were said. When someone says one of these lines to their day-to-day life and the people in the conversation share a moment of the movie, either the scene or the movie over all. It binds people in their nerdness of the movie.

The cast was a beautiful mash up of many people who's names no-one can soon for get, Cary Elwes, Billy Crystal, Andre the Giant  to list a few along with there many others! Each member played a part in the funny movie. Where it was needed each one said their lines with all seriousness to it making those lines funny.

Oh how I could rant on about the movies! But I came on to write a blog not an essay. Maybe in the near future I will turn this into an essay. But for now I will leave you with this.

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