Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shanghai Girls by Lisa See

Shanghai GirlsShanghai Girls by Lisa See
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book covers 20 years of the life of these 2 sisters, Pearl and May. Pearl -born in the year of the dragon and oldest of the 2, and May -a sheep and the baby of the family. The hardship they had to deal with over the 20 years from their lives in China to America during WWII. These 20 years covers from 1937 to the late 1950s up and past the second Word War.

As the oldest sister in my family, I felt the pain Pearl does and yelled at her many times for something dumb that she should not of done or something she should of done. I have lived through mine and see simarler ones that I know at one point I may of done the same. I see why she does some of the things she does for I can see her point, but I still know that she shouldn't have done when it comes to those points. I am also born in the year of the dragon and study the zodiacs, so I understand what is expected of the people burn in the year of the dragon. So I knew what to look for in curtain people when she called them by their zodiac.

There are points when she backs down and I yell at her to stand her ground but, I have done the same. So I understand her, I felt the pain/grudge for I know the feeling of backing down on something that you are good or would like to be good at, so that your little sister will be happy. If you could not tell, I also have a little sister that I have back down on things so that she could have what she wants and now that I am older I will fight for her to have that. For those who follow the Chinese zodiac, my sister is a monkey.

I feel that the author got the feelings between the sister as true as one can get! Older sister vs the younger sister, story as old as time and can be spot on or very wrong. The feelings that sister have for each other is hard to explain, you hate their guts but you will give them the moon if they ask. When reading the this book there were times that you would see the green eye monster come out of Pearl but then seeing that herself she would fix that and say something that you would think, "gee, I guess she work that out and things are okay between them with out letting May know she felt that way." But those feelings may "go away" they are never truly gone. Those feelings run so deep that you forget them and when something ells happens it just builds.

Being that this story is written in a 1st person the view we see is Pearl's, and her feelings on every matter. Even the fate that has been dealt to her. There were MANY parts that my heart bleeds for May for the things she had to do as well, seen from the eyes of her sister. And it isn't till the end of the book that we get to see May and what she feels on the things that she has had to do and how she herself sacrificed so that they could live on with a good life.

As I was reading this book, I could see my monkey sister and me in this life and many times throughout the book I would stop and think that this little sheep has to have some hidden strength that she hides, for my sister is the same way. I put the front that I have every thing under control but really it is all I can do from falling and that is times when I reach out my own sister and lean on her for her strength I am not sure she knows she has.

After reading this book I feel like I may know my monkey sister better, I see her in another way and I hope that after she reads this she will feel the same for her dragon sister for there are many things that Pearl and I both have felt, and made the feelings that much more real.

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