Monday, January 19, 2015

Star Trek - Quick & Easy Cosplay!

Okay, so in my town they are going to have STAR TREK: MIND-SIFTER showing at one of the theaters and the guy who wrote it will be there and if for every person who shows up 'Trek-y' or in OTHER sci fi cosplay he will donate a set amount UP TO $500 to help out for reading where I am currently living.

Am I this much of a Trek-y to do this? Not really, I LOVED the original one with Spock and James Kirk. Have seen a few of the other ones here and there but not a full out Trek-y like I would say I am to.... Anime? Naw, okay so I am not a the why to anything I can think of at this time!

But I do love Science Fiction and the original one so yes I will see it, I will move things around so I can see it but am I going to dress up to see this for a cause? Sure, not because of  being a Trek-y or for the honrable cause but becasue I am a nerd who is a theatre person and LOVES to dress up when the situation comes by!

So this got me thinking... How can I do a REALLY fast STAR TREK costume? Sure it was any other kind a sci fi thing but I would do something from STAR TREK. I mean really, I am GOING to see it! So as I am thinking about it I think of the crazy aliens that I have seen in Deep Space, Voyager, and Next Generation and my friend who told this to me was talking about it and asking me for ideas for something fast. Then all at once it hit me! Go back to the roots! They are SUPER easy to do this time of year when there is no costume shop to be found and the hardest part will be that badge on there close! So here it is my QUICK & EASY guide to a STAR TREK costume in the middle of January!

First off you need to know a few basic before you pick out the color shirt/ short dress you are going to wear what I had NEVER noticed till looking up how to make my own badge is that there are different ones for different positions! Now if you didn't know that the color of shirt tells people where you sanctioned you might of just randomly picked out a color and did the COMMAND one being that is was Kirk has
The colors are...
  • Mustard-Yellow (Comand - these are the people who are flying the craft.... yeah kinda vague in ST)
  • Baby Blue (Science / Medical - Spock is science and Bones is the medic. Same color, same signage in original series)
  • Red -strait up! (Engineer / Security - Scotty is an engineer and NEVER dies where as EVERY OTHER Red Shirt is security and DIES! Ura, I think she is the only security that lives. Mainly cause she BARELY leaves the craft but hey what ever works!)
These are the symbol with there colors to help out and so you know what field you are doing I also have a picture of the field jobs.
Now that you have chosen your field and have gotten your shirt or dress we move on to decorating it! The women outfits tend to very a bit more then the men's via neck line or around it but for the most part there is a black neck line that you could take a turtleneck, a T-mock, or Dickie to were under or black ribbon to sow / fabric glue it on there!

So with that done move on to the cuffs and badge... I would start with the cuffs just because! So I found these images online to help in rounding up the options then staring at various pictures!

There are a few ways I would go about doing the cuffs, one is to get that gold like spool of non-ribion but sold like it (can't think of it's name) and sow that on in dashes and lines or to use GOLD GLUE (used on fabrics) and glue it!

Way, Way to easy right? Okay cocky, now the badge! Again, you can use some type of fabric or felt and cut it out and BLACK FABRIC GLUE to make it stay OR take your gold glue and glue it out for those afraid of sowing. Now I think to glue it one might be harder just for the fact that you ARE gluing a picture on a shirt! I might get wax paper put a paper drawing under and glue out the gold then take it and glue it on the shirt with black... Might just easier then fighting the shirt!

There you have it! Quick & easy STAR TREK: the Original series cosplay outfit!

Uhm? Pants and shoes!? You can find those in your local Dresser or Closet!

Females: Black Tights and Black Boots (don't have to be Go Go not everyone can wear one do to big caffs!) You could get away with black heels if you wish, but boots is what was in the show!

Men: Black Pants and Black Boots. Could use black shoes and not boots for the same reason a woman might use heels.

Good luck my fellow nerds, Live Long and Prosper!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Reveiw - Rosario + Vampire

Happy New Year! It is a brand new year and did not get as much in learning Korean/Hangul as much as I wanted. I can read it with help now though! And lost more Japanese/Nihongo. Oh well, this is a new year and I will try again to get farther.... in between jobs.

Well, I don't know about you all, but to bring in my new year I watch a show called Rosario + Vampire. For those of you who know what the show is like, you might ask why on EARTH did you watch that? Well, I am a gluten for punishment and I will watch just about anything anime or with Vampires.... (Do to this I saw Twilight and thought about blinding myself for that crap! -sorry fans)

Another reason is it is one of my friends favorite anime, she calls it her guilty pleasure show. She really wasn't far off on that idea. I have heard from other people the same thing. So, if you like LOTS of undergarments shots and boob shots this is your show! But if you are of the faint of heart -or innocent minded, I would not recommend this for you!

So what is this show about? -Besides the underwear and boob shots? Well, it is about a human boy who ends up (by mistake) going to a high school meant for monsters! On his way to school he runs into a pink haired girl and they become fast friends even though she is a Vampire. In next few episode you meet a new monster girls who falls for the poor dumb human and quickly becomes a harem like show... like Tenchi or Ah, My Goddess.

Rubi Tojo
Over all the show is not all bad but there are MANY spots I could not understand what they were thinking?

For example, there is this girl, Rubi Tojo, they show in the opening of the first season but it is not til you are near the end that you meet her and from there on out she is still a VERY small part in the story yet the show her all the time! And then in the Second Season she is not AT ALL the same person! She is always going on about how her helping Jon Doe out is a "Long Story." Now, I did like her in the first season but drove me nuts in the second!


In the second episode of the first season Kurumu here says she is the on the endangered spices list... and is NEVER addressed again! Matter of fact you later see her mother. You never really see more then one of the same monster but wolves and vamps. So how many are "endangered"? And can monsters become endangered? I feel like there could be more of story with her and her kind yet they leave it hanging.... This bugged me but not really needed in the grand scheme of things.

I think the character I had the most trouble with is Tsukune AND both Mokas. In this one scene near the end of season one Tsukune is killed and the "vampire" Moka gives him her blood and at some point she flicks his nose and then later on yet the "nice" Moka does the same and he asked himself if he was falling for the "Vampire" Moka.... This isn't really flushed out till season 2. Later in season 2 the "nice" one notes that her "other half" is in love with him too.

The white haired Moka is the "real" Moka and the pink haired was made to "protect her." Protect her from whom by masking her power? NOT REALLY stated.... But yet in season 2 the pink Moka is her own person made by her rosary.

Here are others rants about RV and other fun titbits about the Word "ECCHI" and why the different kinds of underwear shots!

New year, New you?

Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとう!  새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Bonne année! And 'happy new year' in another languages you know or can think of! ^_^ 
Here year are again, as every year. If either one of us wasn't, well that would be sad for the ones around us. But as you are reading this all is good and as right as one can get in the world.

Have you made plans? Made your new year goals? What are they? My are always the same, live another day, take another breath and one day I will see the gold in the world but for now it is black and write with a TON of gray in it.

But I can say one thing on the matter of goals, this year I made a 2015 bucket list... 
  1. Go to at least ONE craft show to sell at LEAST 1 thing and have fun with friends who join me and do more crafts as I am there.
  2. Make (around) 4 Blogs on Learning Japanese/ Nihongo.
  3. Become more of an person who has little and wants for little... Gosh I wish I could think of that word that describes this...
  4. Get a better job so I am not running around with 2 and pinching pockets... I like to stand on my own thank you but standing is VERY different then crawling on one's own!
  5. Make a better effort for Korean/Hangul and work that into lessons for plans on my new blog. ~_^
  6. Work on my French again, gosh it has been to long!
  7. And lastly, find that bloody cupid and take away his arrows so I don't have to deal with all this mushy love around me. ;P
So, I think I can do all but one quite easily!  Cupid and I haven't talked much or seen much of each other. I guess I shouldn't have returned fire that last time we met! hehe

So let's all do our best this year and get as many things checked off our list as we can! がんばって!