Friday, January 9, 2015

New year, New you?

Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとう!  새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Bonne année! And 'happy new year' in another languages you know or can think of! ^_^ 
Here year are again, as every year. If either one of us wasn't, well that would be sad for the ones around us. But as you are reading this all is good and as right as one can get in the world.

Have you made plans? Made your new year goals? What are they? My are always the same, live another day, take another breath and one day I will see the gold in the world but for now it is black and write with a TON of gray in it.

But I can say one thing on the matter of goals, this year I made a 2015 bucket list... 
  1. Go to at least ONE craft show to sell at LEAST 1 thing and have fun with friends who join me and do more crafts as I am there.
  2. Make (around) 4 Blogs on Learning Japanese/ Nihongo.
  3. Become more of an person who has little and wants for little... Gosh I wish I could think of that word that describes this...
  4. Get a better job so I am not running around with 2 and pinching pockets... I like to stand on my own thank you but standing is VERY different then crawling on one's own!
  5. Make a better effort for Korean/Hangul and work that into lessons for plans on my new blog. ~_^
  6. Work on my French again, gosh it has been to long!
  7. And lastly, find that bloody cupid and take away his arrows so I don't have to deal with all this mushy love around me. ;P
So, I think I can do all but one quite easily!  Cupid and I haven't talked much or seen much of each other. I guess I shouldn't have returned fire that last time we met! hehe

So let's all do our best this year and get as many things checked off our list as we can! がんばって!

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